Turia Pitt, a household name and inspiration - for good reason. She's one of the most inspiring Aussie women that we have come across, so we thought it was only right that we name her November’s woman of the month. If you haven’t already heard her story, keep reading...

In 2011, at the young age of 24, Turia competed in a 100km ultra marathon. It is safe to say that this marathon well and truly changed her life forever. The marathon took place in the Western Australian outback whilst there was a violent fire that took place during the marathon. Barely alive, she was flown out of the area by helicopter. Turia suffered life-threatening burns to 65% of her body that left her having to undergo more than 200 operations and two years recovering from the trauma. 

Now, 8 years on, it is not her past that Turia is renowned for, but the bravery she showed and continues to show when it comes to rebuilding her life. 

It is safe to say Turia hasn’t let her trauma dictate her life. She has since participated in events such as the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii which was comprised of a 3.8km swim, 180km bike ride and the 42.2km marathon in less than 15hrs - which is safe to say, absolutely phenomenal.

In Mia Freedman‘s No Filter podcast, Turia said; “Physically, it’s pretty obvious what I’ve gone through. But for me, emotionally, I think, ‘Well, the fire was only five seconds of my life, and I don’t want to let that five seconds tell me who I am and what I can do and what I can’t do in this world’,

“But every morning I wake up and I see my hands and remember what happened to me, but I just get out of bed and get on with my day.”

We couldn’t be happier for Turia and the way she has not only survived, but thrived. With her devoted hubby Michael by her side (#relationshipgoals) and their latest family addition, son Hakavai, it just goes to show that no matter the obstacle, we all have the capacity to overcome whatever life throws at us with a positive mindset. Turia’s story is one for the books and she actually has beautifully written a few herself which we highly recommend checking out!

Esther & Co.